
"Intimate Views"
Exhibition - January 16 - March 1, 2025
Curated by Eric Hess
The "intimate photographs of Gregory Ellis bring us face to face with people from all walks of life. The viewer gets to experience the emotions and life experiences of the subjects that appear in Ellis' meaningful photographs. Ellis captures the soul's of the people he photographs and allows the viewers to identify with the personalities taht are captured.

Exhibition. - September 12 - November 13, 2024
Curated by Eric Hess
Her studio and art practice are essential in centering her attention, renewing energy,
and engaging with herself and the formal processes of painting. She explores the
repeating ideas about color, shape and mark-making. The color and its intensity are the
driving factors. Working in paint’s nonverbal language, she begins to recognize
figurative or associative elements as they emerge from the push an pull of gestural lines an overlapping forms.

"Confluencia" & "Fort Necessities"
Exhibition - July 13 - August 20, 2024
Curated by Christine Adame & Billi London-Gray
Confluencia, comprising works in the front of SAS Gallerie, envisionscultural confluence as a central part of Texan life. Christine Adame presents
a group of six flags entitled Homeland, and a series of six technical drawings entitled Intranet of Things.
Fort Necessities, comprising works in the back of SAS Gallerie, shares artist Billi London-Gray’s fascination with play forts as sites of invention and
refuge in contrast to historic and contemporary fortifications as sites of violence.

Exhibition - May 1 - July 1, 2024
Curated by Eric Hess
Rebecca Bertil Madura primarily focuses on abstract compositions, while continuing to create represent-ational pieces as a part of her practice. Each approach to subject matter, allows her ongoing exploration of formal concepts. Her paintings convey an ever-present tension even while the surface may appear calm or quiet. She works in series of paintings around a common theme or concept which allows more complete exploration and growth, not to mention, inspiration for her next painting.

Exhibition - March 7, 2024 - May 7, 2024
Curated by Eric Hess
J. B. Harter’s landscapes are lyrical evocations of Southern scenes that recall a pre-industrialized era. While referencing the great English painter J.M.W. Turner as well as the French Impressionists, Harter’s landscapes go beyond these influences to stand as a singular and important body of work on their own.”

Exhibition - Jan 1, 2024 - Feb 29, 2024
Curated by Eric Hess
Sculptor Michael Scogin is completing his MFA studies at the University of Texas at Arlington. Michael depicts, suggests, abstracts, and manipulates the human form to invite the viewer along in his explorations of the past collective of human experiences. He works primarily in metal and natural stone.

In Focus
Exhibition - October 30, 2023 - Jan 1, 2024
Curated by Eric Hess
Photographers Bevil Knapp & Ellis Lucia bring take us on a journey through Southern Louisiana with their artwork. Images of the wetlands, Mardi Gras and the people of Louisiana can be seen in this exhibition. Lucia is a Pulizer Prize winning photographer and photo journalist. Bevil Knapp has published two books highlighting the Wetlands in South Louisiana and the City of St. Francisville.

Exhibition - August 5 - October 30, 2023
Curated by Eric Hess
Our grand opening of our premier gallery features the artwork of accomplishedSouthern artists. This show features the work of Drek Davis, Rebecca Madura, Billy Solitario, Charissa Owens, Sara Rastegar, Parkman Bailey, Maggie Jones Boudreaux, Ron Smith, Julie Glass, Ryan Pepe, Katerina Verguelis, Mitchell Gaudet, Charles Collins, Dustin Greer, Dean Dablow, Brooke Cassady, Madeline Marak , Gregory Ellis, Laura Noland Harter, Leslie Elliottsmith, Michael Elliott-Smith, Joey Slaughter and Lindsay Carraway